
yify Google Drive The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Full Movie

user Rating=9 / 10 stars. Drama. Synopsis=In the early 1990s, Jordan Belfort teamed with his partner Donny Azoff and started brokerage firm Stratford-Oakmont. Their company quickly grows from a staff of 20 to a staff of more than 250 and their status in the trading community and Wall Street grows exponentially. So much that companies file their initial public offerings through them. As their status grows, so do the amount of substances they abuse, and so do their lies. They draw attention like no other, throwing lavish parties for their staff when they hit the jackpot on high trades. That ultimately leads to Belfort featured on the cover of Forbes Magazine, being called "The Wolf Of Wall St.". With the FBI onto Belfort's trading schemes, he devises new ways to cover his tracks and watch his fortune grow. Belfort ultimately comes up with a scheme to stash their cash in a European bank. But with the FBI watching him like a hawk, how long will Belfort and Azoff be able to maintain their elaborate wealth and luxurious lifestyles?. director=Martin Scorsese. year=2013. 3 H 0min





Goodfellas is funny though. There's a strong line of dark humor in many of Scorsese's films - even Raging Bull, which alongside Taxi Driver is arguably his most serious. Great, a trailer that doesn't spoil all the plots. The editing at 2:03 is terrible. Jonah's performance was perfect in this and he did it for cheap just to work with Leo. This is another level of acting. Lol. The Wolf of Wall Street is a film that depicts the rise and fall of Jordan Belfort who, through greed and corruption, established and led his own brokerage firm to success in the early 1990's. After losing his job at an established financial firm on Black Monday, Belfort fills a position dealing penny stocks in Long Island and subsequently partners with his new friend, Donnie Azoff, to found Stratton Oakmont. Belfort's aggressiveness in the market earned him the nickname, Wolf of Wall Street. Jordan and his team lived high-profile lifestyle full of parties, sex, and drugs (primarily cocaine and Quaaludes. Eventually Stratton Oakmont becomes a very well known firm and facilitates the IPO for Steve Madden, which instantly earned Jordan 20million dollars. Jordan decides to hide his money in an offshore account in Switzerland under his aunt-in-laws name. The FBI begins heavy investigations into Stratton Oakmont, and after ducking and dodging them for a couple years eventually one of his associates gets arrested, spills the beans about the operation, and Jordan is sentenced to prison for 36 months.
I was thoroughly entertained by the film, and found most of the humor in good taste. The comedic aspect of the film is in my opinion is strongest suit. I would have liked to see more character development, and less predictable debauchery considering it was a three-hour film. Although some of the scenes felt repetitive. Leonardo DiCaprio and cast did a great job of building anticipation and suspense. I enjoyed the use of long cuts in certain scenes of the film such as the scene where Jordan Belfort punches his wife in the belly and attempts to take their child from their home ultimately crashing the car in front of their property. There were many memorable moments in the film, and I took from it interesting quotes such as, The only thing standing between you and your girl is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it, which Belfort said during one of his speeches.
I believe a different approach to the film would've been to include characters that were negatively affected by Jordan Belfort's exploits. Without showing the effect Belfort's schemes had on his clients the film seems to glorify scamming people out of their money. There were many scenes in which Belfort's clients invest a serious portion of their savings with him only to be conned and lose it all. It would've been interesting for me if within the three hour time slot they included a few scenes depicting this tragedy.

This is a fantastic movie for families.
Anybody know who or what the guy from the start of the video is from.
I am pretty sure that there will be scene in new Tarantino movie, where Sharon Tate meets Rick Dalton at HER party, like a reference to this scene.
I still don't have an Oscar.

The ending of this scene will make no sense to future viewers because of Brexit. Gittt him off da fffffpphhhhooone LMAO. Looks like spice it takes over Russia, killed a lot of kids. No bush. What's up with the editing of that first café scene. I love how the stairs are changed from 5 to 15 because of what is in his mind. LOLOL it took a few times watching to notice actually.


I can see joe Pesci in Leo's role in this scene. Feel like Matheww McConaughey is going to be brilliant in this movie ! Love his role already. The music cracks me up. So, this is what Tighten has been doing before becoming a camera man. 2:45 hahahaha can´t argue that logic! XD. Shit this stills made me laugh LOL XD. I'm addicted to this movie. I will never stop watching it. My children will watch it. My children's children will watch it. My 3rd twice removed cousin's great-great grandchildren will watch it. WE MUST CARRY ON THE LEGACY. Best trailer I have EVER seen in my whole life. After I saw this trailer for the first time, I snuck into that theater, bought the song on iTunes, and when the DVD came out, it was in my collection. Best trailer EVER.

Who talks to his dad about the bush. He's higher than giraffe coochie. I feel like I'm at the Waffle House Trying to eat with a tweaker in my ear. No way this wasn't improvised. The fishbowl thing was so odd. Was it kept at his desk? he thought “ya ill bring this big bowl of water near all the major electronics at my job”. ShEs pUrfAct. 4:25. Notice Blair's body language soon as Jordan introduces himself to Naomi 🤣🤣🤣 homeboy was already sizing him up in the most hidden insecure way.

No bush really. its a new world

Every time I watch this scene, it makes sooo maaaaad 😂.








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